An update for Wetr is available.

What's new in 0.13

Minor update

Precipitation %
Multiplies precipitation chance decimal number by 100 on iOS 16.
DownloadiOS 15.1+
not designed for iOS 14, but may still work

What's new in 0.12

New Theme

Simple, small theme with no weather effects.


Better Logic
Implemented checks for Rain. If certain temperature requirements are met and or snow is in the next 6hr forecast, Rain will change to Snow for precipitation text.
Minor Improvements
Other small things like text placement being adjusted by a few pixels for some devices.

Homescreen Creator

Wetr can now use Homescreen Creator layouts when setting a HS wallpaper.
How to use HSC with Wetr:
Rename or save your Homescreen Creator layout to "Wetr"
Note: If you're using Appearance [On] setting inside Wetr, you'll need a HSC layout called "WetrLight" and "WetrDark"

DownloadiOS 15.1+
not designed for iOS 14, but may still work

What's new in 0.11

Wallpaper Themes

Curated favorite wallpapers from Wetr's creator
User selected photo album
Match wallpaper to the current weather
* Anything *
Use any query as your wallpaper subject


Homescreen Wallpapers
Match Lockscreen wallpaper to the Homescreen
    • optionally, you can blur the HS wall
Update Stat
Print the time Wetr last ran under weather info
    • now with AM/PM for 12hr
    • 24hr format also available

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not designed for iOS 14, but may still work

What's new in 0.10

I left an incorrect variable in last update that forced wrong device layouts. Please delete your Wetr folder from your Shortcuts folder to fix any alignment issues. Or use this shortcut to redownload all files.


Light/Dark depending on the time of day.
See-through and less blurry.
Updates to light mode.


System Appearance
Control your device's (Dark/Light Mode)
Last Refresh
Show the time Wetr last refreshed your wallpaper
A variety of system fonts can now be used
Adds 'Blowing Snow' condition/overlay

ClassicaLS has been renamed to Classic

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not designed for iOS 14, but may still work
download 0.10.2
download 0.10.1
download 0.10

What's new in 0.9

New Light Mode

Light theme now is slightly more see through with a better blur.

Changed some values in the shortcut to adjust the blur and saturation for Light mode.

To accompany those changes, I updated the images on the server to better fit these new values.

If you used Light mode before, delete the Light theme folder and new images will download

DownloadiOS 15.1+
not designed for iOS 14, but may still work

What's new in 0.8

New Feature

While weather condition is Clear, Wetr will now display Sunny or Starry overlays depending on the time of day.

More behind the scenes auto-formatting to further prevent potential user input error.

DownloadiOS 15.1+
not designed for iOS 14, but may still work

What's new in 0.7

  • ______________
    Unsplash automatic wallpapers are back! Their server went down and I thought they were no longer supporting the API so I removed it. But we're back in business. Enjoy!
  • Removed Unsplash wallpapers. Unsplash closed their public API and restricted/limited access.
  • New method for prompting user to select photo album on first run.
  • Removes any blank space characters from most user settings to help alleviate 'user' error.
DownloadiOS 15.1+
not designed for iOS 14, but may still work

What's new in 0.6

  • Heavy Rain condition and overlay added.
  • Combed through every single image for all devices to double check every condition image and mask aligned perfectly, even if they were off half a pixel, it's been fixed.
  • ______________
    0.6.1 implements a plan B in the event Auto walls aren't being returned from Unsplash due to downtime or maintenance.
  • ______________
    0.6.2 renames 'Mini' devices to 'mini' to fix them showing as non-compatible.
  • ______________
    0.6.3 adjusts some text placement values and image dimensions for both mini devices. This *should* help fix users who weren't seeing any weather text on the image.
  • ______________
    0.6.4 will no longer attempt to create folders if they already exist. This is something Apple should've fixed, but guess I gotta do it myself. 'Create Folder' actions were causing Wetr to hang majority of the time.
  • ______________
    0.6.5 adds Smoky condition.
  • ______________
    0.6.6 fixes Light Snow Showers
  • ______________
    0.6.7 adds Drizzle, because some users are reporting Drizzle errors even though I can't get it to report Drizzle.
  • ______________
    0.6.8 fixes many things behind the scenes. Alignment, conditions spellings, missing conditions, etc.
DownloadiOS 15.1+
not designed for iOS 14, but may still work

What's new in 0.5

  • Shortcut no longer requires downloading for new users. It'll now download condition images for your selected theme as needed, and only if they haven't been used before.
  • Dust & Smoke conditions added. This should fix some "CondImage" errors.
  • ______________
    0.5.2 no longer needs user input to determine your device compatibility. (Thanks to Tito)
  • ______________
    0.5.1 adds missing Dust & Smoke value pairs to the dictionary. Whoops!
DownloadiOS 15.1
not designed for iOS 14, but may still work

What's new in 0.4

  • New math actions to prevent needing end user to adjust number formatting. No more WFImage conversion errors for all users! Big thanks to @thewaytozion for that.
DownloadiOS 15.1 beta 3
not designed for iOS 14, but may still work

What's new in 0.3

  • Added support for iPhone 13 device family.
  • Added ability to ignore all future updates for content and or the shortcut itself.
  • Translation Support Removed
    If you have an earlier version of Wetr that works for you and your language already, make a backup and keep it safe.
DownloadiOS 15.1 beta 3
not designed for iOS 14, but may still work

Thank you

What started as a hobby and projects I wanted to create for myself, turned out to be popular among my friends and the iPhone community. This website is a collection of the multiple projects I’ve created for public use. Not everything may be perfect, but I strive to create the highest quality products I know how.

Thank you for your support.

Broank Design 2021