for iOS 16.2+
iOS 16.2+
iPhone 8
iPhone 8 Plus
iPhone X
iPhone XR
iPhone XS
iPhone XS Max
iPhone 11
iPhone 11 Pro
iPhone 11 Pro Max
iPhone 12
iPhone 12 Pro
iPhone 12 Pro Max
iPhone 12 mini
iPhone 13
iPhone 13 Pro
iPhone 13 Pro Max
iPhone 13 mini
iPhone 14
iPhone 14 Plus
iPhone 14 Pro
iPhone 14 Pro Max
iPhone SE (2nd generation)
iPhone SE (3rd generation)
Device not supported yet? Please join our discord and provide the name of your device and a screenshot of Lock Screen, that includes the health (medication pill) widget.
version 0.2.2
Whats New (0.2.2)
• Move filesystem out of iCloud Drive and in to On My iPhone
• Select photo for wallpaper from Files or Photos apps
• Select specific Lock Screen to assign CLS to.
• Custom blur input
• Reset/reinstall theme files
• Reset settings
• Fix for local files not being used when they exist.
Theme Selection Change the theme of ClassicLS
Wallpaper Select a source to pull a random image from.
Blur Set the strength for the blur behind the glossy elements
Lock Screen Selection By default, ClassicLS will use Shortcut's default action for setting a wallpaper. This may create a new Lock Screen and set to it.

Current: ClassicLS will use your current Lock Screen.
note: If your current Lock Screen isn't a photo LS (eg. astronomy, weather etc), the shortcut can't set to that LS and will throw up an error.
Widgets If you use Lock Screen widgets and want to shade the row behind them, turn this on.
Output Choose the final step for ClassicLS. Set a wallpaper, or export the wallpaper instead.
Home Screen Icon Add a separate app icon to your Home Screen.
Reset Reset or reinstall aspects of ClassicLS if you're facing issues.